
Trading companies

Our whips travel all over the world, thanks to good relationships with trading companies.


We grow deciduous trees

Wide range

Alongside our nursery we also have a trading company. To supplement our own nursery stock, we serve our customers by sourcing the desired tree for them. This also happens the other way round. Our nursery supplies trading companies across Europe. Like us, they offer their customers a complete package by buying the best quality trees for them.

‘The trade in trees is a dynamic market. This is especially true during the planting season, when it’s all hands on deck. We are then constantly working to source the right trees for our customers and despatch our own nursery stock. Many customers have been with us for years, so we know their requirements better than anyone.’

Wim Crum - Crum Boomkwekerijen sales

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Antoon Rijnbeek handelskwekerij B.V. is a company that supplies a complete range of outdoor plants to gardeners throughout the Netherlands. We entered into an excellent partnership with Crum in 2016. This offers added value for us, since they supply the quality we want and can respond quickly in terms of delivery and requests for quotes. Crum is good at helping to make the range complete. If something is not in stock, they advise us about alternatives.

Antoon Rijnbeek - Antoon Rijnbeek handelskwekerij B.V.

Our markets

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